Using rectangle trajectories

Use a Rectangle Trajectory to create a path in the shape of a rectangle in 3D space. Use trajectories as paths along which Trajectory Layout 3D and Trajectory Layout 2D nodes arrange their child nodes, and along which Trajectory List Box 3D nodes move their items. See Using the Trajectory Layout nodes and Using the Trajectory List Box 3D node.

Create a rectangle trajectory

To create a rectangle trajectory:

  1. In the Library press Alt and right-click Trajectories and select Rectangle Trajectory.
  2. In the Properties set these properties:

  3. To take the trajectory into use, in the Project select a Trajectory Layout or a Trajectory List Box 3D node and in the Properties set the Trajectory property to the trajectory you want to use. See Using the Trajectory List Box 3D node and Using the Trajectory Layout nodes.

See also

Using the Trajectory List Box 3D node

Using the Trajectory Layout nodes

Using rectangle trajectories

Using arc trajectories

Using circle trajectories

Using ellipse trajectories

Using line trajectories

Using spiral trajectories

Using spline trajectories

Using trapezoid trajectories
